Tech Stack & Projects

Currently, my preferred tech stack consists of the following technologies:

  • Umbraco CMS, on premise or Umbraco Cloud
  • Microsoft ASP.Net MVC with C#
  • Visual Studio, Visual Code
  • Microsoft SQL Server as database
  • Internet Information Server
  • Git
  • Javascript, Typescript, jQuery, AngularJS, Angular, Vue
  • HTML

I see myself as a generalist who is always on the lookout for meaningful innovations and never stops learning.

However, I know from personal experience that it is important not to get bogged down. So a few years ago I switched from Microsoft-based web development to the PHP camp. I stopped trying after a few weeks. It had been shown that it is not just about learning another programming language. Rather, it is a completely different infrastructure, IDEs, frameworks, databases, etc.

For a single sign-on (SSO) solution I developed an IdentityServer4 based solution, which consisted of a back office for the administration of the various settings of the IdentityServer4. This was an ASP.Net Core Mvc web application. This project had a few additional requirements to my usual tech stack:

  • The application should run in Docker on Linux
  • PostgreSQL was used as the database
  • The database connection was implemented with EF6 and Codefirst

IONOS (formerly 1&1) has been my ISP of choice for years. The website construction kit in particular is an interesting solution, which also enables laypeople to create and maintain a good-looking website.

As I know from my own circle of acquaintances, there are still one or two hurdles that are not easy to overcome.

Here is the general dilemma that every content management system has to contend with:

Flexibility versus usability

Just as there can only be a relative fit with ready-made goods, there is also with software. Tailored to fit perfectly. But it is also more expensive.